
I’ve had a lot going on lately, feeling like I’m pulled in a lot of different directions: going to library school, building a prototype for a new inter-institutional digital library of historic dress,  maintaining a collection of historic costume, costuming academic theatre, keeping up with my family. But the fact is, they’re not really different directions. There’s one aspect that unites them all on one path, and it’s: ME! Well, I should say, me and my personal mission. I’m working on reminding myself, at least on a daily basis, about why I’m doing all that I’m doing, and how everything is related to my mission in life.

So, I had started a separate blog to track my reflections related to library school (some of which are required for coursework), but after just two posts I was feeling fractured. I had intended to neatly compartmentalize that part of my life, but the fact is that it’s not a neat compartment at all. It’s all tied together with the rest of my life in some very messy, and very fun, and very exciting ways! So, from now on, you’ll be seeing some posts here about various aspects of librarianship.

This still doesn’t mean I’ll keep all my blogging in one place – this fall I’ll be adding some updates on the blog for the Vassar College Costume Collection, and I’ll be contributing to a new blog about the digital library we’re building at But I’ll try to post some links to all of that here, so that this is where I’ll be grounded, on the path where it all comes together.

Thanks for joining me, however briefly, on this path!

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  1. Pingback: moving back | Connections

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